The Industry Insider

Brought to you by Schaffer Associates, Your Industry’s Inside Source.

The Need to Delegate: Outsourcing Your Recruiting Process

cropped-csa1445.jpgThe environment in which we work today is not the economy of our grandparents or our parents. It isn’t even our economy of the past decade or two. Instead it is a globally competitive marketplace that changes and evolves every single day. It is dominated by ideas that are no longer constrained by time or space. In an instant, a years-old way of doing things can be made irrelevant and extinct. Entire industries can rise or fall in a matter of months. The modern economy is, in the truest sense of the phrase, a brave new world.

What does that reality mean for the people who work in it, and more specifically, what does it mean for organizations who are faced with the challenge of hiring talented individuals in such an economy? It underscores the urgent importance for companies to outsource their recruiting process. There are endless reasons why delegating this critical task to seasoned recruiting professionals is not only beneficial but critical in today’s economy. We explore some of them below.

The most obvious benefit of partnering with recruiters is to reduce costs to your company. When done correctly in today’s economy, the hiring process is a costly and time-consuming endeavor that involves multiple layers of capital investment from the company. Along with staff hours, your company must also consider expenses for advertising, recruiting software and technology, appropriate background screening, and various hidden costs. Recruiting organizations like Schaffer Associates combine all of these costs into one, offering more services for lower cost by utilizing efficiencies and focusing on industry best practices. The end result for your company? Lower costs and better results.

Delegating your recruiting process to an outside organization also enables your in-house personnel to focus on core responsibilities of the company. Many human resource departments can become overwhelmed depending on the size and scope of the recruiting project, especially during peak business times. Their central tasks of maintaining payroll and benefits, ensuring compliance and conducting employee programs are protected and performed at their usual level when your company makes a decision to partner with a recruiter. Additional personnel that are often pulled away from their core functions by in-house recruiting efforts are also able to remain focused when outside recruiters are utilized.

Working with a professional recruiting firm provides your company with the flexibility to grow quickly by deploying the resources necessary to conduct multiple position searches at once. They also ensure that the best talent in the industry is found and pursued for the positions, therefore increasing the caliber of candidates (and future employees) your company interviews. A more professional recruiting process helps prevent a high turnover rate that can cripple a growing company.

For the reasons discussed and countless others, companies can improve their competitive advantage in today’s economy by partnering with recruiting professionals like Schaffer Associates. Call us today.  We’ll help you hire smart.